A Novel Nutritional Approach to Accelerate Wound Healing
Event date: 10/16/2014

John Ferguson, RN, BSHA, WCC is a certified wound care nurse with experience in clinical support, sales, and education. John acquired his wound care expertise through actively treating patients in Home Health and Long Term Care settings. Becoming wound care certified in 2003, John started his own company to provide directed in-services and clinical consultation for Long Term Care. In 2005, John became a public speaker and presenter of wound care education, traveling the country to educate various clinicians in their preparation to become wound care certified. His passion for wound care and dynamic teaching style has inspired thousands of health care professionals. Clinicians are confronted with the challenges associated with delayed and impaired wound healing. Evidence based guidelines support nutrition intervention as an integral part of pressure ulcer prevention and treatment.
This presentation will highlight the following information which is intended to guide clinical practice and improve outcomes:
- Calorie, protein, micronutrient, and fluid requirement to efficiently heal wounds
- Impact of body composition and stress response to injury on healing
- A novel nutritional strategy to accelerate wound healing