The Nutricia Learning Center features tools and educational resources for Metabolic Healthcare Professionals.
Healthcare Professional Tools
2023 Metabolic Product Updates
July 2023: Updated design and nutrition information for select formulas are listed below. Details available per product. This list will be updated as new product versions become available.
*NEW* UCD Anamix Infant (April 2023)
UCD Anamix Infant is now available in the United States for the dietary management of urea cycle disorders. Product details included.
Summary of the Science Behind Complex MSD Formulas for MSUD
A simplified explanation of the published data on Complex MSD medical foods for maple syrup urine disease (MSUD).
Guides to Nutricia’s Metabolic Product Portfolio
Acquaint yourself with Nutricia’s products for inherited metabolic disorders. The poster provides a visual overview, the quick reference booklet gives a bit more detail about each product, and the full Nutricia product reference guide provides detailed nutrition and ingredient information.
Nutricia Navigator
A free service to help your patients obtain insurance coverage and faster access to Nutricia products. Find 3 easy steps to get started.
Maternal PKU - A Quick Guide and Practical Tips for Healthcare Professionals
A quick guide and practical tips on how to manage maternal PKU.
Household Measurements
Approximate US household measurements available for the following products:
Periflex®/Anamix® Early Years Transition Tools
These interactive spreadsheets allow you to calculate DRIs from formula and create simple step-wise transitions to switch your infants to Early Years or transition your toddlers from Early Years to their next stage formula.
- PKU Periflex Transition Tool & DRI Ccalculator
- GA-1 Anamix & GlutarAde Transition Tool & DRI Calculator
- HCU Anamix Transition Tool & DRI Calculator
- IVA Anamix Transition Tool & DRI Calculator
- MMA/PA Anamix Transition Tool & DRI Calculator
- MSUD Anamix & Complex MSD Transition Tool & DRI Calculator
- TYR Anamix Transition Tool & DRI Calculator
Intro to Metabolic Disorders - Slide Decks for Healthcare Providers
These slide decks provide a simple, scientific overview of rare metabolic disorders and their management. These decks can be used to educate new metabolic healthcare providers, students/interns, or families with high medical literacy.
- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Glutaric Aciduria Type 1 (GA-1)
- Homocystinuria (HCU)
- Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA)
- Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
- Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA)
- Propionic Acidemia (PA)
- Tyrosinemia Type 1 (TYR)
- Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD)
- Long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD)
- Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD)
Vademecum Metabolicum—Diagnosis and Treatment of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (J. Zschocke, GF Hoffmann; Schattauer)
Free web-based e-book and Apple/Android app of the 3rd edition of this publication, which provides a systematic and practical approach to the diagnosis of and therapies for metabolic diseases.
- To view the e-book, please visit vademetab.org
Online Sample Request
Request samples for your patients or clinic.
- Online sample request https://www.nutriciametabolics.com/shop/HCPsample
Nutricia Metabolic Authorization Form
Due to the medical food status, consent from a healthcare provider is required for patients/caregivers to purchase or obtain a sample of any metabolic products directly through Nutricia. As a healthcare provider, you can provide consent for your patient by completing this form.
Metabolic Product DRI Calculators
These are interactive tools for Healthcare Professionals to help calculate the amount of Nutricia metabolic product needed to achieve a desired amount of protein equivalent for individual patients. The tool can then be used to compare macro and micro nutrients to the DRIs (as of 2010). (Microsoft® Excel files - note, please right click on the link and “Save Target As...” to save this to your desktop and then open through Excel).
Eat Right-Stay Bright
An anticipatory guidance tool, developed by The Children's Hospital of Colorado, Denver, to aid healthcare professionals in the treatment of patients with PKU. Materials and topics include: Clinic Encounter Check Lists, Experience and Thoughts, Teaching Aids and Handouts and other resources. All chapters have been developed as an anticipatory guidance tool with patient education and improved patient compliance as its main goal. We welcome you to print, individualize, and add to any and all of the sections. Whatever your approach, we hope this educational tool assists you in your clinic setting.